He´s the "Peoples-Runner" - Brian Sell!
mzungo.org: Hard fact’s - Road & Track PB's
Brian Sell:
1.500 - 3:59
5.000 - 13:57
10.000 -28:36
5 k - 14:26
5 Miles- 22:58
10 k - 28:28
10 Miles - 47:46
Half Marathon - 1:02:35
Marathon -2:10:47
mzungo.org: Where are you currently based?
Brian Sell: Rochester, MI USA
mzungo.org: What kind of races are you planning to do this summer?
Brian Sell: Peachtree (Atlanta) 10k, Bix(Davenport) 7 mile
mzungo.org: Are you up for a beer in Berlin? World Champs anyone?
Brian Sell: I am not running worlds
mzungo.org: What are your long term goals?
Brian Sell: New York Marathon (mzungo adds: on the 01.11.2009 - Brian is racing the US Champs!)
mzungo.org: What's your daily training at home like?
Brian Sell: I wake up at 6am, out the door at 7am. Easy days are usually 12-14 in the morning, 4-8 in the evening. Speed work is about 5 miles of repeats at 4:35-4:40, tempo work is about 10 miles of repeats at 4:50.
mzungo.org: How often are you training with the Hansons group? Are you doing lots of stuff on your own?
Brian Sell: I run with the team at least once a day. Second runs are generally on my own.

mzungo.org: What’s your favorite workout?
Brian Sell: 2 x 6 mile at 5-10 seconds faster than marathon goal pace.
mzungo.org: What's your favorite track workout?
Brian Sell: 5 x mile at 4:40
mzungo.org: Are you doing any running drills?
Brian Sell: no
mzungo.org: Are you doing any crosstraining?
Brian Sell: push ups and sit ups
mzungo.org: Is stretching important to you?
Brian Sell: It should be more important, but I don't do enough.
mzungo.org: What does a typical marathon prep week look like for you, say 5 to 6 weeks out from the race?
Brian Sell: 2 days easy (14 and 8), then a tempo workout (example: 3x3 mile at 4:50 pace), 2 days easy, then a 22 mile run with miles 18-20 at sub five, two days easy, then a track workout (example 8x800 at 4:40 pace), two days easy, repeat.
mzungo.org: What does your taper week look like?
Brian Sell: About 70-90 miles easy with a final workout of 3 x 2 mile at marathon pace.
mzungo.org: How are your easy runs compared to your marathon pace?
Brian Sell: Marathon pace is 5:00, easy runs are about 6:00-6:30

Brian Sell: 22-24 usually 2 hours and 20 minutes.
mzungo.org: What’s your pace at that, say 4 weeks out of the marathon?
Brian Sell: 6:30-7:00 pace
mzungo.org: Do you do a lot of marathon pace workouts?
Brian Sell: no, more at about ten seconds faster than pace.
mzungo.org: Which is your favorite race?
Brian Sell: Anything in New York, the 8k, the Marathon, the Trials, etc.
mzungo.org: Are you running Boston again?
Brian Sell: doubtful
mzungo.org: Which races are on your lifetime to-do-list?
Brian Sell: I have hit them all but New York
mzungo.org: When the going gets tough in a race, what’s your mental strategy?
Brian Sell: Hang on for five minutes and hope it gets better.
mzungo.org: If you wouldn't be a pro runner, would you still run? Do you intend to continue after racing pro?
Brian Sell: Yes, I would and I plan to run 5-10 miles a day for as long as I can, just so I can eat dessert.
mzungo.org: What are you doing beside running?
Brian Sell: flying, riding motorcycles, maintaining my house.
mzungo.org: Still working with Home Depot?
Brian Sell: no, I am back at the Hansons
mzungo.org: Hows the family?
Brian Sell: Good, we have a son on the way in October
mzungo.org: Did your dog learn any new tricks?
Brian Sell: The dog is sort of neglected, he still gets his walks and food, but he is second (soon to be third) banana to the kids now.
mzungo.org: Toughest guy to train with?
Brian Sell: Clint Verran
mzungo.org: What was your favourite Olympic Experience?
Brian Sell: Rooming with D-Nasty Ritzenhein
mzungo.org: Running London 2012?
Brian Sell: no
mzungo.org: Best Road Runner at the moment?
Brian Sell: (mzungo adds: Deriba) Merga
mzungo.org: Any running hero / role model?
Brian Sell: My parents and extended family have been my role models.
mzungo.org: Any sporting heroes beside running?
Brian Sell: Stone Cold Steve Austin
Ymzungo.org: our favourite running shoe and why?
Brian Sell: Brooks Adrenaline 9. It works well for me, no injuries.
mzungo.org: Any holidays planned after this season?
Brian Sell: not until after New York (mzungo adds: Marathon).
mzungo.org: What was your "break through" performance?
Brian Sell: Probably the Helsinki World Championships in 2005. I was able to run with the best in the world that day. (mzungo adds: Brian ran a 2:13:27 in Helsinki)

Brian Sell: www.barnstormers.com
mzungo.org: Any interest in the "typical" US Sports?
Brian Sell: Most of them. I like going to baseball games for the atmosphere, watching football and hockey (when the Penguins and Steelers are in it)
mzungo.org: Do you support a team?
Brian Sell: Pittsburgh teams, and Penn State
mzungo.org: What do you think about triathlon?
Brian Sell: I love it, except the swimming.
mzungo.org: Favorite place to life?
Brian Sell: Woodbury, PA
mzungo.org says: Thanks to Brian for taking the time and answering all questions.
We are looking forward to NYC! All the best for the preperation!
IAAF Profile - Brian Sell