While we successfully sold the medal for 60$ on ebay (yes, unreal, I know), we still have a neat bumper sticker left for you folks out there.
We're in the middle of summer and as far away from Boston Marathon as it gets but we want you to tell us:
Why should the mzungo.org staff run the Boston Marathon 2010?
Whoever comes up with the best reason, will get the sticker!
1. We are biased. Totally biased.
2. Life ain't fair.
3. But we love you all. Seriously. So bring it on!
[You think the sticker is lame? Don't sweat it! Next week you are in for the official 2009 Boston Marathon long sleeve Adidas clima cool shirt in bright yellow. Yes, that's right! Hint: get your cameras ready, we'll be looking for the best shot themed "summer running" for our "Meanwhile in..." series.]