M: 7miles / 8miles with group
T: 13miles on Mt Alpha with Marshall (Very HILLY)
W: 9miles in Kanawha State Forrest/ 6miles at Joplin with SW
T: 13miles on Little Creek Golf Course and Dunbar
F: 8miles with Marian/ 6miles with some grass running
S: 12miles w/4mile Steady State(21:35/5:24avg)@UC Bike Loop, Splits: 5:24,
5:18, 5:26, 5:26S: 18miles with group from UC to Dunbar
Recap: Good solid week of base miles. I would love to see many, many more 100+mile weeks if done the right way like this and not running just to hit a total. A major point is a lot of my runs our turning into faster 2nd half finishes which is good and also about every run has some sort of hill or hilly section so I only point out the nasty hill runs now(lol). Sunday I felt a little rough on the LR but that was mainly from being dehydrated and from the steady state running on Saturday. Usually my plan will be for the steady state to be on Friday so that I won't have to worry about feeling a little tired from it the next day. Actually usually I feel better the day after faster running so I think being dehydrated was the main cause for feeling like junk Sunday because the weather was perfect! If I'm feeling worn down tomorrow I will make next week a drop week if not I will build one more week before taking a drop week. 7 more weeks until CDR and then hopefully full-go Marathon training!
Steady State Runs: These will grow to 10-12miles by the end of the base and the pace should gradually and naturally drop to 5:15-5:20. My big key is not to rush these or push the pace they need to stay at what they are "Steady State" and not get into Tempo until Marathon Specific work!Strands: Sign up for free! I'm keeping a more detailed day by day training along with other little updates at Strands if you want to follow: http://www.strands.com/RunPyles