I am now one week post-op and things continue to progress well ahead of schedule. I am completely off crutches now and walking without a limp. I didn't have any bruising until yesterday. It seems that bleeding from my femoral head had finally sifted it's way thru the muscles and skin so that now I have a yellowish hue to some skin just adjacent to my portals. I've been commuting back and forth from home to my office on my cyclocross bike. I am anticipating returning to easy jogging in 2 weeks; 3 weeks post-op. I would like to get in the pool very soon as I think my incisons are stable now. My recovery so far has exceeded my wildest expectaions. I keep waiting for "setbacks" and just haven't seen it. I honestly feel better every day. My bike workouts have gotten more intense and I'm feeling as though my fitness is coming along nicely.
My motivation level is at an all-time high. I cannot wait wait to return to training with our Hanson-Brooks group and getting myself back in the game. I would like to PR one more time in the marathon and make another world team. Is that unrealistic?