Monday AM Reservoir 4 solo, 26:38 tot. 4
PM 6 miles at Phillips Academy, shakeout with Melissa, 48:02, all on grass fields, tot.6
XT Stretching, lunge warm up, 1 set plank core series
Tuesday AM 10k progression run around Reservoir, Very hot out. 3 warm up with Melissa, light stretch, lap1- 8:39.8, lap2- 8:32.5(17:12.3), Lap3- 8:16.7(25:28.9), lap4-7:41.9(33:10.9), 3:36 recover and light stretch, 4 mile cool down, 28:51 tot. 13+
PM 7 shakeout with Melissa on Phillips Academy fields, 58:05, 12×12 second hills, tot. 8+
XT stretching, lunge warm up
Wednesday AM Reservoir 4 solo, 27:28 tot. 4
PM 6 on Battle Road solo in track suit (though still very hot out, 85 degrees, 75% humidity, 72 degree dew point), 47:16 tot. 6
XT stretching, lunge warm up
Thursday Noon Very Hot, 86 degrees, 70% humidity, 72 degree dew point, felt like a sauna. 3 mile warm up, 22:12, couple strides, light stretch, 3×5k around reservoir at goal mp. I wanted to do 4 or 5 and I had 4 in the tank for sure but the Iron bit me in the ass and I had to stop after 3 to get back to the house for an emergency bathroom stop. 3×5k - 16:28.0(8:15.7,8:12.4) 1:31 rest, 16:24.5(8:13.5-8:11.1) 1:40.9 rest, 16:38.0(8:15.7-8:22.4(lost time fighting the need to go to the bathroom), 2:05 stand and compose, then 5min jog back to house, after the bathroom break I did the rest of a 3 mile cool down. Now this is only at 2:19 pace but if it is hot like that in Berlin I’ll be happy with 2:19 and I’m sure it will get me a solid finish. tot. 16
PM 8 shakeout with Melissa on Battle Road Trail, 1:00:00 tot. 8
XT stretching, lunge warm up
Friday AM 5 around Reservoir with Melissa, 40:56 tot. 5
PM Reservoir 4 solo shakout, 31:53 tot. 4
XT lunge warm up, stretching
Saturday Noon the temp was fairly high (82) but it was much cooler then thursday, felt great in comparision as the humidity had dropped to 65% and the dew point to 60 degrees. Repeats at marathon pace around reservoir-2×7500m 1×5k. 7500m-24:14.9(8:08.4, 8:05.9, 8:00.7) 1:36 rest 7500m- 24:23.3(8:04.1, 8:08.9, 8:11.3) 1:52 rest, 5k- 16:29.1(8:14.5, 8:14.6) 4:52 rest and recover, 19:03 cool down. This was about 2:17 pace, faster then the other day and the weather was much more enjoyable. But to be honest I think this is the worst temp for me in terms of competition. I think if it is like this on race day it will be warm enough to slow me down but that it will have little effect on the real strong guys. Where as I feel like if it is real hot like thursday I’ll be able to slip under 2:20 and that will be quite competitive, top 20 at least maybe top 15, where as if it is like it was today i could see only running a couple minutes better but having that performance barely get top 30. If it is much cooler then I think I’ll run pretty well. tot. 18
PM 9+ in lexington, 1:01:19, first 3 easy shakeout 26 mins with Melissa who raced in the morning, then I ran much faster for the rest, sub 6min pace by a good bit. tot.9+
XT stretching
Sunday AM Reservoir 4 solo shakeout in track suit, 30:51 tot. 4
PM Reservoir 4, solo shakeout, 35:52 tot. 4
XT stretching
Summary 110 miles, 1 set short hills, 3 good workouts. 45Kilometers at an exceptable marathon pace. A second good week in a row, lower miles because this was the 4 easy, 3 hard week in comparision to last week which was 4 hard 3 easy. Next week is the last full hard week so I’ll try to make the most of it. I’m hoping to recover well enough by going extra easy on the easy days, today and tuesday, to run a special block workout (AKA supercompensation day) on wednesday but I may just end up with another standard marathon pace(mp) workout. sorry no quote this week I’m tired and its late. I hope your running is going well.