So I have been doing a great core and total body strength training routine consistently for about a year and a half. I usually do it every other day and before races taper off of it a few days out. The routine mostly consists of Pilates type strengthening, lunges, calf raises and lots of stuff with my exercise ball. I know it keeps me structurally strong and I notice a difference if I haven’t done it in a week or two and I start again; I feel sore in certain areas.
After some research and watching some videos on strength training that my massage therapist gave me, I had come up with a whopping 60 additional exercises I wanted to add in!!! I realized trying to do all of them in one day would probably take me about 4 hours. No thank you! I divided them up and now I’ll do about 10 per day, making my regular full strength training days a tad bit longer. Today was one of those days…
I bought a few at-home pieces of equipment to add to what I already use. I loved going to LA Fitness back in Arizona yet we don’t have one here in Eugene so I do my stuff at home. It’s great though..I get to choose my own music and don’t have to worry about someone using my equipment for 30 minutes when I need it! ha One thing I bought is a pull-up bar. Now, typically I am not a big pull-up person…yet when challenged to see how many I can do, I can at least manage 2-3 before collapsing. Today I did 4.5 and I was so happy!! My goal in the next month is to get up to 10! We’ll see if I can do it.
After my strength training session today lasted about an hour and a half I was spent. I laid on the floor and it actually felt fantastic to be breathing hard and feeling like my arms and legs were made of jell-o. I really considered myself to be a strong female athlete yet today showed me there is always something harder to try and do! Two runs and two other workouts today truly make me feel like a professional athlete! It’s 6:15 pm and I think I could go to bed now I’m absolutely loving this. The feeling of being ridiculously exhausted and doing new things I’ve never done before is exactly what I want right now. 5 weeks from right now I will be arriving at my hotel in St. Paul and all this work will be so worth it