Falk Cierpinski follow in the footsteps of his father, Waldemar - Goal: Start at the Olympic marathon in Beijing: the apprentice with a famous name
Gebrselassie is the new record is not enough, you have pretty lucky, Falk.
Falk Cierpinski:
If you were born two years later, now called Waldemar perhaps, as a television reporter at the second Olympic victory in 1980 told of your father in Moscow.
Falk Cierpinski:
In many races, they call me anyway Waldemar, even if there is large on the jersey, "Falk".
Annoying that?
Falk Cierpinski:
Not at all. I am proud of our name.
Waldemar Cierpinski:
This must be it.
If the name is also an obligation?
Falk Cierpinski:
I have thought plenty of entry for the marathon. When, in September 2006 for the first time in Australia, I ran for fun, I've noticed that gives me a lot of fun. Especially since I was with 2:24 hours also still fourth. There stood my decision. Even if I should be twice Olympic champion, I can put my goals and be satisfied when I reach it. For example, best time to beat his father.

Your father ran the Olympic gold medal 1976 2:09:55 hours, your personal best stands at 2:13:30 hours. That is still a long way.
Falk Cierpinski:
I am confident that I will do it.
Waldemar Cierpinski:
Falk has the advantage that it is four inches taller than me, so he has at every step larger space gain. Therefore, I am sure he will crack the fastest time soon.
What exactly separates your son, nor of the world's best?
Waldemar Cierpinski:
What matters is that we need many miles in the legs. Of this he is still away for a whole piece. Large carrying capacity and assessment efforts to build, requires persistence and patience.
With 31 years he is already at an age where you had your greatest successes already.
Waldemar Cierpinski:
My best shape I had in 1984, when I was 34 years old. The Olympic boycott has cost me a personal best time. Falk is available as a marathon runner just beginning. He has to grope through the miles of faster times. Currently, he creates a weekly average of 200 kilometers. To achieve the power of the Africans, he has to run 250 kilometers a week. I even once come down to 306 kilometers. Falk takes one or two more years. If he comes, all should beware.
Is not that a bit too cocky? The world record stands at 2:03:59 hours.
Waldemar Cierpinski:
Haile Gebrselassie is an exceptional athlete as there are always times again. For us the question is not, the best control and confidence - the great mass of African runners, we want to stand up. This is feasible up to the 2012 Olympics.
Falk Cierpinski:
If I did not believe it, I would not run every day in all weathers. It's damned hard work. I need that challenge. It gives me satisfaction
Was that even if you like that?
Waldemar Cierpinski:
Yes, and it is nice to see that Falk has at least inherited the genes of hard work to me. This is the most important prerequisite to pull through heavy loads. The drudgery goes from Monday to Sunday. And starts again Monday. As you can eventually get tired in the head. But Falk is biting him.
What is your father as a coach?
Falk Cierpinski:
At home, I work the plan from virtually alone. Our philosophy is that the athlete does his own thing. About eighty percent of free-I design.
Waldemar Cierpinski:
In the two fast units, which he does every week, I am going to check in particular whether the voting time and technology.
And what if not?
Waldemar Cierpinski (laughs):
Then I folded it shit. No, it's not my nature to say, "Are you stupid, why did not properly trained today? If someone does not even want to, you have to force him not with the whip. We sit in silence and discuss how we can do better. Every Sunday we meet to week evaluation.
Falk Cierpinski:
In father's office, we live in a house.
Accept the advice?
Falk Cierpinski:
I'd be an idiot if I would give up 20, 30 years experience. Training in technical matters, I trust him one hundred percent.
Waldemar Cierpinski:
That you can too.
Trust also your competitors from Africa? It was heard that there are no blood tests and will probably work with illicit funds.
Falk Cierpinski:
I do not rule it out. In Kenya, they laugh at our rigorous inspection. They can not even properly log off, because there are no street names in many places.
Waldemar Cierpinski:
There I do not trust. I just hope that then there is more equality, if we are ready and able to keep up with them.
The American Frank Shorter, who in 1976 was second in Montreal, has not dared even to you. He threw in front of you, you would like other GDR athletes also worked with banned

Waldemar Cierpinski:
I did not trust him either. Frank can say whatever he wants, those are all just bad guesses.
Have you spoken with him again?
Waldemar Cierpinski:
At the World Cup in 1993 in Hiroshima, we have talked to each other. At that time he gave me a nice offer to come to America. I declined because my home is in the hall. After we agreed, during a Berlin marathon running, but who did not come, was Frank.
Keywords Berlin. Last year you were there as Neuntplatzierter best time. So you find the patch in the capital?
Falk Cierpinski:
Actually, yes. The atmosphere was fantastic, and of this time will be even crazier by the ten-kilometer circuit.
Not create additional pressure, the masses of people?
Falk Cierpinski:
Because of my name, I have at every race pressure. I can handle it. I have no doubts, my relatives and friends disappoint them. Rather, I am grateful to be here at the start.
Waldemar Cierpinski:
I was genuinely stunned last year, as Falk was supported by the spectators. Funny, I found especially the slogan when he came to the finish: "Oh, sometimes Kielce, the first white man!"
Will we also hear this saying today?
Waldemar Cierpinski:
The Spaniards are strong, the French, Ukrainians and Russians are also fast. Falk and the other guys to run with a clever head. Then everyone can improve his best time.
Falk Cierpinski:
Nothing else I have before.