In addition to the officially accepted counted 7675 registered participants, many spontaneously Determined part, without the bib. The track was a sightseeing tour through the heart of Berlin and led from the start on Potsdamer Platz, the Brandenburg Gate, Victory Column, John Foster Dulles Allee, Chancellor, Reinhard, Friedrich and Oranienburgerstraße the Museum past the Berliner Dom cathedral and across the street Unter den Linden, the goal at the Brandenburg Gate.
Be the first to the finish Steffen Uliczka came from the SG / Kronshagen / Kieler TB after 30:25 minutes. The World Cup finalists over 3,000 meters hurdle was eliminated a week ago in World Cup lead. Fastest woman was from Portugal Jessica Augusto in 33:49 minutes.
In attendance were some celebrities. Nils Schumann, 800-meter Olympic champion in 2000, came to 35:46 minutes into the goal. The marathon world champion of 1995, Martin Fiz (Spain), was quite brisk, with 32:15 minutes on the road (13.), and the FDP chairman Guido Westerwelle needed 58:03 minutes.