Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blog Roll: Nate Jenkins

Nate Jenkins: Training August 17 to 30 (last two weeks including worlds)

Monday AM 4 plus from Hotel and around Treptower park, 27:00, tot. 4+

10:30AM 30 minute deep tissue massage followed by 15min ice bath

5PM 4 plus from hotel and around Treptower park, 29:37 tot. 4+

XT stretching

Tuesday AM at Lichterfelde Staduim (official practice track), solid breeze but cool out, 3 warm up, 22:17, around practice fields near track, light drills, strides, 5k on track at goal mp- 15:59.3- bit too fast most likely but felt good other than a little heartburn, 2 mile cool down, 14:21 tot. 9

XT stretching, light drills

Wednesday Noon 44:32 from hotel around Treptower Park, tot.6+

XT stretch

Thursday Noon 40:30 from hotel aroud Treptower Park, stopped for strides at 32 minutes, rolled ankle pretty good. tot. 6

XT stretch, iced ankle for 10 minutes every hour till bed time, slept with ankle wrapped.

Friday 2PM with Dan Browne, 25 minutes easy, drills after tot. 4-

XT stretch, full drills

Saturday Race World championships marathon, 2 mile warm up some light drills and strides, hammy started to bother after 10k, couldn’t force it under 3:20 a K after 15K, fitness failed after 30k or so, horrible race 2:32, 63rd place. tot. 28++

PM took ice bath

Sunday AM Home from Berlin, dump clean clothes and grab some clean ones, then drive to Camp Foss running camp in NH.

PM 3 shakeout with Melissa at Foss, 26:11 tot. 3

Summary 64 miles for week, one workout, 1 race. Very very frustrated about the hamstring. I don’t know exactly what I’m going to do. Thanks to everyone who put up suggestions on the comments section of the last blog. Unfortunatley I have either been cleared of all those diagnoses or tried all the treatments mentioned. For anyone else with ideas feel free to post them, a lot of the treatments I have tried started with suggestions on the blog or from people I’d never met. But to be clear it isn’t a pain issue, there is no pain, it is a loss of coordination and control. It seems to start with the hamstring or hip area but it affects the whole upper leg, a few times the lower leg. Time off has been a disaster for it, it gets much much worse. It only happens at HMP to about 5:40 mile pace, though this past winter it was going on long runs at much slower paces. At times I have been unable to run more then 2 miles at marathon pace but I was able even then to run 10k at faster (race pace) paces without problems. Very odd I know. I have seen literally dozens of people, had a few promise they could fix it but other than it getting better when it isn’t bothered, i.e., when I don’t do any runs/workouts that cause it to go, it doesn’t seem to get better and as soon as I try a marathon workout etc.. it starts back up. Though with the stretching I have been doing I do feel like it has improved, this winter it was useless, and I was able to do some marathon type workouts, though not the kind I want to do, and after how this race went believe I need to do in order to run well. IE reps at marathon pace with a fast jog rest(only 20 seconds per mile slower then mp) and special blocks etc..

Monday 27mins aqua jog

Tuesday 5 at Foss shakeout, 42 mins, strides after

Wednesday 30mins aqua jog

Thursday 4 miles very slow, 40mins plus, with St. Charles Orphanage kids, tot. 4

Friday off

Saturday 5 shakeout in a cold rain with a couple of Camp Foss Campers, fun run tot. 5

Sunday off, but did a bunch of stretching

Summary 15 miles for week, some aqua jogging. I won’t do much more this week, basically 5 and strides every other day, probably 10 on Sunday. So it will be a pretty boring blog next week. Then I’ll start back training. I’m sorry for not replying to all the posts on my last blog, I was so far behind it was going to take forever. I’ll get back on the response train this week. I did respond to the idiot (s) with the PED accusations, in short, no I do not, nor have I ever cheated.

Quotes of the Weeks “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” Teddy Roosevelt

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out where the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place will never be with those cold and timid souls who knew niether victory or defeat.” TR -again
