X-marathon grows heavily," "event a huge success," "Marathon in the Y long been an established institution," "over the records" or even "Z marathon with as many participants as never before." There are still no such or similar headlines, haunted by the one run by the media. And almost more often is ahead of so many interested parties as never before read at this time "and" new Melderekorden "too.
Often these are just launched by the press offices of the events. The local press, of course, it shall then be happy and they continue to spread. Why are you doing everything well, questioning why you should investigate a little, if with ready-made reports of the organizers but can save a lot of work.
The readers believe it - even in the absence of comparison - then only too happy. Finally, yes it is in the newspaper. And besides, it's already something special when held in their city so fantastic sports event. Like many other similar events can be found in Germany, most did not clear. For the leap into the national headlines provide only the four or five biggest races of the German marathon scene.
But take all these as positive-sounding messages at all? Or is it the alleged successes of records and not so far away? If they are placed at the end only by the advertising people in the world to make it appear the event in as positive light?
At least a little information about it can give sober facts. And not by the organizers in advance to the world changed later trumpeted but the entries that are then later in the results list. There you can find facts that are relatively hard to fine. At least, is as yet no organizer come under suspicion, supplement no existente runners to improve its record.
For several years running report released at the end of the season on the basis of these values for quite a debriefing with the German marathon. Also in 2009, the course will be. Over time, has an extensive number of materials come together, the now quite long-term observations allowed.
The main focus here is to continue to really always eponymous 42,195 kilometers. Even if offer virtually all other long distance events and competitions. An additional half-marathon is the most common variant, and therefore certainly also statistically evaluated.
But even race, or even less than ten kilometers, squadrons of various forms, children's and youth runs aplenty exist in the programs. And sometimes there is even a full range of all possible variants, which hardly leads to a more manageable amount of valuations. "Diversification" We call it comfortable in the economy. Purists see this but also a trend towards the complete dilution.
The total number of participants do such Nebenwettbewerbe - actually it is a completely wrong word, because almost everywhere they have the long distance in terms of popularity far outstripped the place - of course upwards. That in order to finance the organization through additional entry fee revenue, which there is no really significant additional work is backed up, is beyond question.
But the fact that you can shine even with the sponsors with a much higher house numbers, is certainly more than a pleasant side effect. The donors is what it is mainly to maximize attention. Whether a runner while managed 42 or 4.2 kilometers, most of them would not care to be.
On the other hand, however, only opens the magic word "marathon" their doors. With runs on other distances - be it ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five or thirty kilometers - can shine as an organizer because not really. Only half marathon - but there also is inside the magic word - is now and as eligible through. And so the competition is offering, despite a significant increase in events during the last two decades in its breadth has become rather less Zwischendistanzen increasingly fall through the cracks.
However, it can also ask whether a run without the marathon over the shorter distances at all would have the same popularity. For on the subscriber side, the word also draws like a magnet. Indeed, especially if you do not even really on the road distance is responsible for its use.