Getting my spunk back and out of a funk…
Well, it’s obviously been a really long time sine I last posted a blog entry. Before the marathon I got so busy and preoccupied with other things and I kept putting it off. Well, here we are on November 3rd and I’m finally doing it.
I moved back to Tempe, Arizona after living in Eugene for a few months and I am so incredibly happy. It’s so unbelievably beautiful here and right now the weather is sunny and 80’s everyday. I got out of the 108+ degree days of July, August and September and loved the summer weather in Eugene. I slept in most days and I could run pretty much any time of the day. As the months went on I missed my family, friends, support network and the brother of my two dogs (my brother’s dog) in Arizona. I knew it would be best for me to move back and in my favorite state in the country (no bias or anything, haha )
Since the marathon I have been in a little bit of a funk. I know it’s normal after a marathon (especially my sub-par performance) to feel totally ready for a break and have those post-race blues. I think it’s because you work so hard for so long and then the big day comes and it’s over before you know it. You have to go back to the drawing board and start all over again with new goals, training, etc. and it can feel overwhelming. Usually I take my week or two completely off and I am raring to go. This time after my vacation in Mexico and another week of lap swimming in Eugene, I still didn’t feel ready to run. I kinda wanted to but not really, haha. I ran a few days and then it was time to pack up the moving truck and drive back to AZ. I didn’t run during this because about 100 trips (no joke) up and down 3 flights of stairs is hard enough..forget running for a couple days!!
Well, after a week back in AZ, my motivation is gradually coming back, but it’s harder than it’s ever been. I am attributing it to everything I have to do (unpacking, settling in) and getting relaxed again in AZ. I have gone out to breakfast, lunch and dinner with so many friends and extended family members in town, that I’ve hardly had time to do more than unpack a couple boxes. My room is a mess!! haha I think when I settle in and I’m not surrounded by boxes, I’ll be able to focus on my training even more. I guess I need to be grateful for the distractions I have, because sometimes we need them to stop thinking, eating and breathing everything “running” day in and day out.
So here’s to today: my goal is to get completely unpacked and organize my stuff…which will hopefully result in getting my spunk back and out of this funk