by Nicole Benning for Laufticker.de
Quick as a weasel
To learn more about the equally delicate and fast runner Muehlacker to learn from, we meet in the evening in a café in her hometown. That it is "only" tea there, as the glossy coffee was already cleaned, they may well get over, because they do not want any coffee.
Christine is fast, very fast. Usually faster than almost all men. Until recently she held the record Wurttemberg over 10 km (33:59 min)) h half-marathon (1:14:52, now it's just the track for the 10 km. When I asked whether she wants to bring back to the half marathon, is not a clear "yes", but no "No". We must therefore be a surprise.
For several years, the little weasel, just as it is, after a very successful competitive career, only recreational runner, at which she is very happy. And she lives up to its nickname of all honor and will always be faster.
She moved to the end of competitive sports to TriTeam Heuchelberg for which also starts her boyfriend Sebastian Kienle, a very successful triathlete. She has no desire to championships, and everything surrounding the like only to make an appointment through targeted training plans and training camps, train training and whatever else has heard anything about this. Why she feels at the triathletes in good hands. She wants to be recreational athlete - albeit at a VERY high level. 2008, she was in the half marathon at position 5 of the German scores, before her only the (semi)-professional athletes Mikitenko, Mockenhaupt, Hahn and Viellehner. "I must cut myself yet," she says with sparkling brown eyes on this splendid performance.
If she does something, then she does it right and with complete consistency. Therefore, there is no return to competitive sport. The decision has a long history. The former obstacle distance runner of the German B had much trouble with the cadres in charge of the DLV, shed tears over failure to nominations for international operations, although the benefits were in place, felt left alone by the officials, to name a few. But the chapter is closed. "As it is now, it's good. It was the right decision for me. "
Christine came to work in 1997 as a 14-year-old on "Youth training for the Olympics". Until then, they had more or less unsuccessfully, with gymnastics and fencing, with successful attempts and alongside with general athletics. Then her running talent was discovered. In 1998, she picked up in the jersey of the LG Maulbronn the first medal at the country level over 800 meters and was nominated for the D-squad. We went forward quickly, along with her change of 1999 to VfL Waiblingen, they also denied her first road race over 5 km in Schwaikheim. This was followed by good times, in 2001 the inclusion in the C-squad of the DLV, 2002 in the B squad, 5 gold, 8 silver and 4 bronze medals at the German championships and international operations for the German Athletics Federation, in particular over the 3,000 meter steeplechase.
When she calls her greatest success of its 9th Place at the World Junior Championships in Grosseto, Italy in 2001. The end of 2004 was then concluded by train, Christine moved once again, albeit more by accident. This time on the road, whatever you like better, because long track competitions they feel boring. It was then equal to German Vice Champion in the marathon at the juniors.
After re-disregard for the Executive Nomination 2005 - this time in the marathon - she has jettisoned, 2006, the towel as a competitive athlete and then filled with the same enthusiasm plunged into her studies in business administration with an emphasis on marketing and communications. If she does something, then they do it right.
She graduated with distinction in 2007 from still hanging off the master in parallel, since 2008 and had the job in the automotive market research Pforzheimer one in the bag. That was a stressful time, she is glad that the master now successfully behind her lies and she can now only train after work and relax. And she attended a guilty conscience when they are idle times on the sofa sets and easy listening music only. From the corner of the music, incidentally is also her nickname "Weasel's", which was her dog, the bass player for their favorite band Sportfreunde Stiller missed.
In normal training times Christine comes to about 6 sessions a week, each with about 14 km. It can of course also be something more or less. Speedwork in the form of interval training or train never makes it, instead, fartlek runs, or minutes of their normal training sessions. On the weekend she tried to run something even longer, which, however, since she has discovered the cycling, and more often fails.
In fact, she considers an ideal complement for road cycling and running, since she makes it, it has become even faster. "At first I could not cycling, I was the absolute Nichtradfahrerin, I'm not even cycled to school. More than 30 min was not in it. But now I'm absolutely delighted. "The wheel unit they have, of which she believes made faster. "An exhausting wheel unit with speed lace is as good as speed training."
In their record run of 10 km 2008 in Pforzheim, she has dared to experiment and dispensed onto shrinkage. Instead, it has gone as the Eisschnellläuferinnen retracted on the reel and then the course of their lives. Once again a proof that unconventional methods should not automatically be wrong. It also conducts no training diary, but it stops ou

Whenever it is possible on weekends, they trained together with her boyfriend. Either panting in the shelter on the bike or running loose in the 4-cut. It makes it sometimes even the pace, such as the Alster run this year in Hamburg. Then she looked after him for the triathlon.
Talking about triathlon: The fact that they also can be good, it has proved in 2008 as Rookine Kraichgau Challenge. Secretly, she has applied there for the rookie program. "I do not know if I would do it." Unfortunately, it has experienced her boyfriend but then, the surprise was that burst. Their performance was surprisingly good for this: she detention 5 in the women's field, and won her age group! This year, she then took her first overall victory at the same Zabergäu to follow up triathlon. All she wants to go to the Triathlon did not participate but surely once again for the fun of a sport.
Gladly, they would once again run under 34 minutes over 10 km, it has to match everything but just as last year in Pforzheim. Weather, shape, and the head has to play along and you need real opponents. Back in Pforzheim were some fast Kenyans at the start, with which it is easy mitgelaufen. For 2010, it still has no concrete plans in the spring she plans to run a half marathon. Everything else will show. My favorite race is the half-marathon in Karlsruhe, perhaps it is because so again in the fall at the start.
Whether the 26-year-old wants to run one marathon, they do not know yet. Because if so, it will come of h in any case a time of less than 2:40:00. And they shrink a bit of the high training costs and is afraid that they are in the race to torture must. They can, according to Christine about himself, even that is not. "I always look at award ceremonies and then the marathon runners can go barely - that scares me off." But - even in the marathon training can indeed lead unconventional methods to your destination. Its main objective is to run with fun, stay healthy and continue to run along beside it at the head of the German women. Without any pressure. She had long enough.