"Why any race finishes a half and a full, that start at the same time, in the same direction and on the same path, is beyond me (and Philly adds in lap traffic for the slowest marathoners). Time and again we see that doesn't work out well for the faster runners. I can tell you from feedback I read from slower runners they don't like it either.
But the public votes with their checkbook that Philly is a "good race" by increasing registration numbers every year and selling out earlier. Until runners start bypassing Philly for one of the many other races out there that have their act together you won't see any changes that matter. And watch the feedback from runners at marathonguide.com. 90% of those who post on there will give Philly high marks as a result of the post-race high they have.
As I understand it, Philly is one of the few marathons in the country organized by a city department. There has been talk of selling the race to a private company. I say they can't make that happen soon enough. This should be the #2 choice for a fall east coast marathon behind NYC but the way they currently do things is not good enough."
"This race is a complete embarrassment to the city of philadelphia! Literally a complete cluster F at the half way point(had to read index card size signs telling you where to go) and then f'd up beyond belief in the last 1/4 mile, top runners in the marathon were barely even noticed and had to negotiate all kind of obstacles, because we had to cross over the course where the half was finishing and 5-6 hour marathon runners were getting to the half way point(so had to run through about 1000 runners running 9min pace and then having to share the same finish line as these people. So i was trying to kick down the final stretch and had to weave between people who looked like jared before he found subway! Through some elbows as well sorry, but I was going for a PR and people were already doing there I finished a half in under 230 dance 400 meters out! Redicuous, and complete idiots organized this race! What a dissapointment! And current results are completly screwed up so dont even try!"
"[…]I saw an interview with the race director afterwards and it truly showed how little she knows about running. On the philly news she was raving how great of a race day it was and how fast all 3 races were and the fact that the half was won in an hour and um , um 30 mins and the 8k was like just under an hour! Seriously? come on now, if you are a race director at least know the sport a little and at least have the ability to run several blocks. this director has neither. I am sorry she probably is a great person and dont mean to pick on her, but when you direct such a large event, and charge the amount of money you charge, know something. Also I know of many good runners that were turned away from the marathon, mostly due to the fact that the race was closed for so long cause of the amount of people in the other events.
This truly could be a great marathon, and sadly they self proclaim as one of the top marathons in the us. wow how little they know!!!!"
"I was watching my cousin run the full marathon. […]
My cousin (the runner) and I (the spectator) let it be and figured that at least they are aware of it and hopefully it won't be as bad as we make out these details to be sometimes
......fast forward to Sunday's race.....
I never thought it would be as bad as it was.
1) The announcers had NO CLUE what was going on. The half marathon winners were never announced - even though it was a really exciting finish - if you happened to be paying attention - unlike the announcers ... they were too busy cheering on the people running 8:00/mile in a 5 mile race than bringing home guys running 5:10/mile in a 13.1 mile race.
2) Same thing for the marathon winners. Just imagine this ..... You've trained day in and day out for a sport you LOVE to do. You wouldn't be out there if you didn't love it because there is next to nothing when it comes to appreciative, respectful, and well-educated fans of distance running. All of your stars align and you are having your best day - a day that will be over before you know it - you are going to win todays marathon against thousands that have also put in their fair share of work. You are turning the corner in front of the art museum finally able to sniff the finish line - anticipating your seconds of well deserved recognition that will cap off the grueling hours you just spent punishing your body and trashing your legs to be the best you can that day. NO!! NOT DONE YET!!!!!! YOU ARE RUNNING ~5:20ish/mile AND HAVE TO FOLLOW A BIKE THROUGH A SEA OF RUNNERS RUNNING ~8-9min/mile - HALF OF WHICH ARE CROSSING YOUR PATH TURNING LEFT AND HALF OF WHICH ARE FINISHING THE SAME COURSE YOU ARE!!!! AND THE ANNOUNCER AND THE CROWD HAS NO F**KING CLUE WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!
3) This same lack of respect and recognition was dished out to all the front runners. My cousin was 2:3x:xx and he was told to follow a BICYCLE through the crowd!!!! Their solution for a criss-crossing course was adding huge signs that got knocked over and bicycles!!!! It just got worse for the 2:40-3:00 finishers too. Half the people running 8-9min/mile have ipods on and are doing nothing, but I don't even fault them - it's the idiots who set up this finish area - everybody shouldn't have to worry about others running on a different area (13 miles difference) of the course.
This race is an absolute slap in the face to those that take the marathon as a serious racing event. It's not a parade or something to check off of a list before you die. It is obvious that the organization of this race is for and by people with minimal running experience and is an absolute shame that a city with as much potential and beauty as Philadelphia will drive away members of the competative running community.