Friday, August 13, 2010

Blog Roll - Jason Pyles

Training Log 8/1-8/8 2010

80miles on 7 runs

M: 10miles with 2.5mile unplanned pickup(2:46-5:31-5:27)
T: 10miles
W: 10miles with 6mile Steadt State Workout(32:09/5:21avg)
Splits: 5:13-5:22-5:24-5:18-5:24-5:28 (KSF rolling road)
T: 10miles
F: 10miles
S: 10miles with 5K race(15:21)
1st Place Thomas Memorial Cruise
Splits: 4:55-4:55-5:00-31 (4:56avg)
Better recap:
S: 20miles at time on feet effort(easy)

Recap: Recovery week(much different then a 'taper week') It was time to bring the mileage back slightly and let the body enjoy a little less running and a little extra recovering. Things fel really good this week. Best SS workout of the base build on Wednesday and Saturday I tested my legs with my first all-out 5K of the base build and got back pretty good results. Not as strong over the last half but for me it isn't about the 5K it is how the 5K fitness came help the long racing pace feel easier and I'm easily accomplishing that and having a lot of fun doing so.