Training Log 8/9-8/15 2010
95miles on 10runs
M: 10miles/ 4miles
T: 11miles with Hill Sprints(8xsteep hill)/ 4miles
W: 11miles with Matt Bright
T: 13miles Hilly run at KSF/ 4miles
F: 10miles
S: 10miles with 5K(15:59)
Chief Logan Park 5K-1st Place-Tough hilly course
$400 combined winning for Marian and me
S: 18miles with David McCollum who stayed in town a extra night. Really good training partner, we match up perfectly with PR's and goals.
Recap: Solid bounce back to mileage week. Started the hill phase which will last 4 weeks ending with the hilly CDR 15miler. Good solid effort based runs Tues/Thur/Sat..Dave McCollum showed up Saturday so the effort was tougher to get the win/cash then planned. The course has a nasty 1.25 stretch that is entirely uphill and when running a hard effort it can really about break you, so going under 16 on this course took another tempo+ effort which is fine. Not sure on my plans for Parkersburg Half next week, really just want long hilly effort and top WV($$$) but not so sure right now..might be smarter to just sit back and train the last 3 weeks into CDR without taking the chance of getting caught up running 5:20 pace or something. I will think it over and decide probably end of the week.