Week of August 9, 2010
The past few months have seemed to zoom by quicker than I thought possible. The last time I wrote it was the beginning on my journey in Flagstaff and the unknown future of what was to come. Filled with mixed emotions on whether this decision was right, I set some goals with Greg and put my head down and trained. I highly expected it not too be an easy comeback with adjusting to altitude, new coach, new training, and asking a lot of my body who for so long disappointed me. I started the summer with what some called impossible when I witnessed one of my best friends win the 5000m National Championship after a long road of frustration and setbacks. I know that road all too well because I was along side her on the stationary bike and in the pool desperately trying to keep our dreams alive. I took that inspiration back to Flagstaff and believed it was time to get to work. With the help of doctors in Portland, Dr. John Ball, and of course Greg's patience and guidance I found myself training consistently and without fear. That was until 2 weeks ago when I stood on the starting line of my first race in over a year- fear came back! It wasn't so much a feeling of being unprepared, but fear of unknown. How was altitude training going to affect me, would the race feel like a sprint, when was that gut check feeling in my stomach gonna come? I had so many questions that I'm sure Greg and Ben were thinking "geezzz... just race already." I tried to pretend whatever happened I would be pleased with, but let's get real. What runner is ever satisfied with mediocrity? However on that particular Sunday in foggy Santa Cruz I crossed the finish line with more satisfaction than perhaps the winner. I finished 3rd and had won the race within myself. After I crossed the finish line and saw my time I began to believe the impossible was now possible.