There are many things you can do in 2 hours and 20 minutes. You may or may not want to occupy that time by running in a pool. Today I hit a PB, 2:20 in the pool and I know it’s gonna toughen me up mentally for the marathon.
The other bi-products from extended periods in the pool are that my fingers look like prunes, improved aerobic fitness and not being able to shake the scent of chlorine from my skin. X-training will be my focus for the next week as I let my foot heal. I had an MRI last week to make sure it wasn’t anything more than soft-tissue injury. Results: no stress fracture, no ligament or tendon tears. What I have is bursitis and tenosynovitis with a little edema thrown in there for good measure. Conservative treatment is the way to go for this particular injury. I’ll take some anti-inflammatory pills, get physio, massage, epsom salt and keep with the Ignite and Xccelerate for topical therapy.
If you’re looking for the perfect Christmas gift for a runner you should get them Ignite and/or Xccelerate in the new size format (smaller container). This offer is not advertised but you can order it by emailing me at with your name and phone number. Zanagen can process any type of credit card for payment. If you get the order in by Friday(Dec 17) it will be shipped ASAP and you should get it early next week. If you order next week then it might be tight.
50ml – Ignite – $24.99 (topically delivered cellular performance)
50ml - Xccelerate – $29.99 (topically delivered cellular recovery)
Both – $49.99 (save $5)
On Monday morning I went to Gary Reed’s retirement announcement in Toronto. I decided to take the 8:44 GO train but the traffic was super slow because of snow and I missed that one. In fact I barely made the 9:10 train (and anything later I would have missed the press conference entirely) but I was lucky it left the station late. I only had enough time to jet out of my car and jump on the train without buying a ticket. I went to the conductor to say I didn’t have a ticket but she said she couldn’t help me and that I was at the mercy of the transit officers. Luckily they never got me.
Anyways, Gary’s retirement announcement was really good and I’m really happy I went. He talked quite a bit about his career, his decision and the future. Wynn also spoke quite a bit and there were a few videos from people who couldn’t attend (former coaches, Perdita and Priscilla). CBC also made a cool video of his career but unfortunately they cued it to a certain Green Day song that is way overplayed during graduations. The other unfortunate part is that on the screen throughout the press conference they had his Bio with a PB of ”1:44.33″. You can see from my last post that 1:44.33 was his 2005 PB and he ran faster each year for the next 4 years with a 1:43.68 PB.
One thing that really had an impact on me throughout Gary’s career is that he accomplished everything living and training in Canada (ya, he had training camps down south and particularly extended ones in the past two years). Speaking of training camps… when Gary and I were staying in the same hotel in Flagstaff he requested a hotel room on he first floor so he could set a BBQ outside his window for cooking. When I asked him if he was serious he made fun of me for cooking all my meat in a frying pan, too funny.
Check out this video from the press conference (:56 into the vid I get the NB logo plastered in there, haha!)