Last week, I shared some videos from Coach Jay Johnson for good insight into general strength and fitness for runners. This week, I want to discuss more in-depth what I personally have gone through to stay injury free for my entire 14 years of running. From start to present, I’ve added and altered elements of my daily supplemental routine that I use alongside my running to stay fit and healthy all of the time.
After my first discussion with Jay Johnson in January, he referred me to Dr. Richard Hansen, who works closely with Jay and his athletes (Brent and Sara Vaughn, Kenyon Newman, and Fernando Cabada). Jay told me to make an appointment for what he called a “functional assessment.” Clearly, I had no clue what I was getting myself into when I made the appointment, and I assume many of you reading this are thinking just the same thing as I was… Is this some sort of waste of time and money? I would not be writing this for you to read if I felt that way coming out of the office.