Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Power balance: "We admit that there is no credible scientific evidence that supports our claims"

Science of Sports reports
The truth is, if you're reading this site, and do so regularly, then the above statement will come as no surprise. It shouldn't, given what history has shown us about companies that make such claims about products ranging from supplements to holographic stickers.

What is different is that the above quote comes directly from Power Balance, who are responsible for making the now ubiquitous holographic bracelets that are worn by celebrities, sports stars, and members of the public in such huge numbers that if you go down to your local gym and you DON'T have one, you feel like the odd one out.

Somebody is making a fortune of what is basically a placebo effect, a psychological benefit of wearing a bracelet that initially claimed to harness the body's natural energy field to improve. From their website, it "optimizes the body's natural energy flow", which improves strength, endurance and flexibility. All without evidence of course. And I would be the first to point out that the absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of the absence of an effect.