11 days until the Berlin world championships marathon, thought I would offer a synopsis of my preparations, perhaps one or two reflections, what I’ve done differently this time around, what I wish could have gone “better”, what worked well, and lastly, perhaps, what I can expect heading into what will be my 7th career marathon.
When it comes to marathon training, one thing I’ve learned to be indubitable is no two segments of training are the same. I have a tendency to compare previous training logs with current training – when, in reality, there are too many variations from one segment to the next to give a real valid comparison. But I still do it.
My workouts this time around have been somewhat different. I really only began preparation a week before Peachtree 10k in Atlanta. Before Peachtree I was doing a series of shorter races, beginning with Bloomsday (a disaster); after Bloomsday I raced Bay to Breakers, finishing first American, running far better. Then Steamboat Classic 4 mile in my hometown Peoria, finishing 7th. Then Peachtree, running 29:07. My mileage in this phase was not low, but not tremendously high – at 110 per week. Since I’m at altitude, that is still a respectable volume – I believe. I had a few niggles, a few aches and pains through this period, nothing to cause great concern, but I can say that it was a first experience to wake up on July 4th in Atlanta and have to limp down to the hospitality suite to get my coffee.
The week of Peachtree was around 120 miles, with some aggressive longer efforts, so I increased my mileage about 10%, including a 26 mile day with a tempo built into the second run, something entirely new to my previous marathon preparations.
The weeks immediately following Peachtree the mileage was at 130 miles, mixed with some serious efforts. 20 milers with some surging; 28 mile days with tempos; each run was quality, only running especially easy after big efforts. It was high quality, high volume immediately proceeding Peachtree.
I can say a factor that has defined this segment has been the heat and humidity. Boulder is not known for having high humidity – but this season it has been raining frequently and the humidity has been unusually high. Which means my tempos and long runs have been more difficult, much more stressful on my body; sweat not dripping, but pouring off me. I would typically lose 6-7 pounds on a 20 mile run – and since I weigh around 125, losing 7 pounds can be somewhat concerning.
I had workouts in this segment that I can easily say were the toughest of my career. A 30 mile day with a 10k tempo (4:59 pace) built into the second run was one of the toughest days of my life. I ran 20 miles in the morning in sub 6 (again I’m altitude, so I would estimate that being 5:40 pace at sea-level); then 10 miles in the evening with a 10k tempo, a run that STARTED with no fuel. This is a workout Scott Simmons engineered for me with the intention of forcing my body to work without proper fuel – and I can say, rather comfortably, it worked without proper fuel, and it hurt pretty damn bad. I had to give complete focus, complete effort. I was proud of this workout.
My tempos were slightly shorter than before Tokyo. I did two 12 mile tempos, wanting to do a 15 mile tempo at least once. However, with the stress of the heat – I found it to be too taxing. I settled on 12 mile tempos averaging 5:04-5:05 per mile. My mileage peaked at 140 miles, with very few (probably 10%) of these miles were “junk”. High quality, high volume. Extremely hot, extremely humid.
In this segment, I’ve seen a chiropractor more times than ever; I’ve been doing regular deep tissue therapy massage more consistently (Jeff Staron – amazing massage therapist); I’ve had blood tests; I’ve taken naps EVERYDAY. I’ve eaten well, ice cream every night, thank god for ice cream, thank god for chinese food, thank god for air conditioning – (I’m not religious, however. It’s just an expression.)
Now, I’m 11 days from the actual race, and I feel prepared, but as I’ve learned from Tokyo and Twin Cities, a marathon cannot be predicted. In TC, the cold got me. In Tokyo, it was the wind. In both of those races, I was ready. Real ready. I’m real ready now. Probably stronger, more fit than in either of those two marathons. But I’ll say again: the marathon is unpredictable. That’s the beauty of it, really. I will not give any predictions, since that’s a waste of time, and I like to keep quiet about these things (except to my poor wife who has to handle the swings, the ups and downs, the exhausting, sweat-drenched, mind-numbing, leg-deadning days and the subsequent moods attached to these days – she has been nothing but supportive and beautiful).
We arrive in Berlin this Sunday. I’ll keep everyone updated. If anyone has any questions, about training, about Berlin beer (after the race), about whether or not I get a photo with Bekele (that would be nice) just comment below, and I’ll do my best to answer them – though I’m no expert.
Thanks for reading; and thanks for following on Strands.com. You can check out my log there at http://www.strands.com/justinyoung