Thursday, August 13, 2009

Blog Roll: Nick Arciniaga

And So It Begins

Today, I start my training for the New York Marathon. Rather I should say continue my training since I’ve been aiming to run this race for about a year now. But today I end my weeklong break, a much-needed break, from running myself into the ground. And now I get to start it all over again. Yippy!

My training over the past few months has been something that I have needed for years, a little bit of short interval training and a lot of track workouts in order to get my legs moving fast again while still hitting pretty high mileage. Even though on paper my performances would not warrant anyone’s attention at all, nor would the time that I ran even qualify me to be a 5k or 10k runner on the Hansons’ team, I still got a lot of benefit from the quality workouts that I’ve done. Plus I got a couple pr’s out of it as well.

But now, after a 15 month hiatus from marathon training, its time to turn my focus back to where I have had the most luck in running: The Marathon. Over the next 13 weeks I will be training almost specifically with Brian for the New York City Marathon. That’s Brian Sell, 2008 US Olympic Marathoner for those of you who don’t know. Brian has claimed time and time again already that he is going to shoot for a ‘moderate’ time and try to run with me during the race as much as possible. For those of you who know Brian, you will know that he severely down plays both his ability and his goals for upcoming races. I’ll be lucky to finish within a half mile of him I think.

That being said I am really excited to get back after the high mileage, all the long runs, tempo workouts, long intervals, and even our dreaded simulator runs. I feel that the next 3 months will be a great learning experience, to be able to train one on one with an Olympian, get pulled along by him in workouts, and hopefully even push him from time to time. Hopefully…