Monday AM 3+ easy to track, 25:31, 8×100m strides with jog back rest on track, bit more than a mile back to house(went long way), 8:54, tot. 5++
PM 5+ shakeout w/ Melissa, then 3×60m exercises for running technique with jog back rest, 8:31 jog back to house, tot. 6++
XT exercises for running technique 3×60m each(springing, high knees, buttkicks, bounding, skipping), glute activators, water pumps10 each leg, prayer hammy curls
Tuesday AM 3.5+ warm up, 27;07, light stretching, couple strides, on track (windy but not as bad as Saturday was), goal 20min tempo at 3:20 a K, 1k-3:17.4, 2k-6:35.4(3:18.1), 3k-9:52.5(3:17.1), 4k-13:12.2(3:19.7), 5k-16:30.6(3:18.4) 6k- 19:50.11(3:19.6)- stopped about 50m later at 20:00.7- hammy barked pretty good the last K but it didn’t go. light stretching for a couple minutes then 3.5+ cool down- 26:57 tot. 11
PM rd. 5+ shakeout with Melissa, 41:26 tot. 5+
XT stretching, glute activators, waterpumps, prayer hammies
Wednesday AM Road and trail 6+ out and back, holt hill trails, 47:20 tot. 6+
2PM Mika for chiro and treatment
PM same out and back as AM also shakeout, this time with Melissa, 50:49 tot. 6+
XT stretching, glute activators-including two new exercises from Mika
Thursday AM 3+ easy to track 25:05, 8×100m strides on track, jog back rest, mile plus back to house, 7:58 tot. 5+
PM spent rest of day traveling to Northport, NY, should have done second run before I left house at 2pm but I didn’t, then I got stuck at the airport for a bit and didn’t get to my homestay until after 9pm and I called it a day
XT glute activators, stretching
Friday AM 8? - about 7 of it with Jason Lehmkuhle, who stays a couple blocks away- mostly on course, 52:14, tot. 8
PM 4+ with Jason Lehmkuhle and Tommy Neal, fun run, 30 mins or so, tot. 4+
XT stretching and glute activators,
Saturday 4:30AM -2 mile shakeout, 16:00 tot. 2
7:30 AM 3 warm up with Tommy Neal and Jason Lehmkuhle, strides, including a hard one of 30 seconds, Race Cow Harbor 10k- 11th place, 31:00.5, splits -4:36, 9:48, 14:43, 19:32, 24:51. Ran pretty hard but the results weren’t very good, got out in the lead group, dropped back a few places on the climb at the end of mile 2. Then rallied a bit chasing Levassiur, we worked up to about 6/7 at 4 and a half miles and then I lost contact, faded back from there to finish. I ran 29:44 here last year in slightly tougher conditions. So this isn’t a good race. But sadly this is probably the best run I have had since I initially moved to Colorado Springs at the end of February. I ran 30:47 back in April at Crescent City but that is far and away the fastest road 10k course I have ever been on. Cow Harbor is a tough little course. Then I was horrid at Bloomsday, got beat by Kim Smith and ran over 20mins in at steamboat, barely held off the women at Boilermaker, and then 2:30 plus at worlds. Not a good stretch. I had hoped for more, I really would have liked to run about 30 flat or under but I guess I’m not there yet. It is very frustrating just because when I laid out my goals for the year my first goal was to fix the hammy problem, which I didn’t, and my second goal was to work on my other areas of fitness to get into great shape without bother the hammy, which I did until I went to CO, and it has been a shit show ever since. I’m glad to be moving in the right direction at last but frustrated thinking about what could have been. I ran 14:04, 8:08 off of 130 plus mile weeks back in January and February and just gave it away. I may do a local race for $ over the next couple weeks but my next real test will be the Mayors Cup Cross Country Race at Franklin Park on October 25. I had originally hoped to run sub 30 at Cow harbor and then look to run in the 23:30 range at Mayors Cup. Conditions have a lot to do with time there, but I’m thinking now that if conditions are good I’ll have to be very very happy if I’m around 24:00. Anyway, 47:28 cool down, first 30mins with a big group that included Katie McGregor, all of it with Lehmkuhle, tot. 15+
PM 5+ solo, 38:37, mostly on course, tot. 5+
Sunday AM woke up in the night congested and with a sore throat so I opted to sleep an extra hour plus and skip the AM 10 I was going to do.
8AM to 3PM travel home
5PM 10++ mile shakeout with Melissa, 1:24:41, I had intended to go for 10 more after she finished up but honestly I felt like total shit and figured it wouldn’t do any good. tot. 10+
Summary 88 miles for week, 1 workout, 1 race. I pretty much already did a summary in my race description so I don’t have a whole lot else to say. The cold is very light today so hopefully I’ll be through it quick not miss anything else. It’s good to be moving in the right direction a little but frustrating anytime you put out a poor performance like that. Hope everyone had a good week.