Monday, September 21, 2009

Julius Seurei takes Sydney in 2:17:07

Kenyan runner Julius Seurei has won the Sydney marathon followed in by Japanese entrant Koji Taniguchi in second place and Australian Jeremy Horne in third.

Also on Sunday morning, Paralympian gold medalist Kurt Fearnley won the wheelchair marathon with a record-smashing time of one hour, 36 minutes and 43 seconds, breaking his 2008 time of one hour, 43 minutes and one second.

Seurei crossed the finish line at the Sydney Opera House with a winning time of two hours, 17 minutes and seven seconds in a race that saw more than 30,000 people cross the harbour bridge in the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival.

He was followed by Taniguchi in second with a time of two hours, 26 minutes and 15 seconds.

Horne, from Beverley Park, in Sydney's south, took third with a time of two hours, 33 minutes and 48 seconds.