Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blog Roll ~ Andrew Middleton

Entry #158
Week of October 18, 2009
by Andrew Middleton

Every journey begins with a first step. In my case, it was a great first step. After more than a year of battling injuries I finally toed the line and re-started the journey which I committed to two years ago. The event was a small, but well run race in Tucson, the Jim Click Run’n’Roll 8k. The results were encouraging, but left me hungry for much, much more.

Thankfully, Bri, and Jaime, and I were treated to first class pre- and post-race hospitality by Bonnie and Dean, great runners, great conversationalists and great people overall. Having a home-like atmosphere goes a long way to easing pre-race nerves. Every aspect was covered, from the first jog when we arrived, to soaking our legs in a warm pool, to a great carbo loading dinner and delicious root beer. Many thanks, Bonnie and Dean, for your great hospitality, we hope we can return the favor the next time you are in Flagstaff.

One other great detail about the day was all the text messages from my teammates wanting to know how I raced. It reminded me of how great it is to be a part of a team, especially McMillanElite. This past weekend, Andrew Lemoncello, Brett Gotcher and Andrew Carlson made the trip to Birmingham, England for the World Half-Marathon Championships. It was a great day for Lemon, Brett and AC who both finished very well, with Lemon recording a PR on a tough course.

Be sure to check out the new photo galleries of the athletes being added to the Photo Page by local photographer Melissa Dunstan.