Monday AM Holt Hill 9+, solo easy, 1:02:06 tot. 9+
PM 40:17 solo shakeout, exercises for strength (14:08), mile plus jog back to house 9:56, tot. 6++
XT Exercises for strength- 5×10 jump squat 30 seconds rest, 5×20 jumping jacks 30 seconds rest, 5×10 each leg high knee single leg hops 30 seconds rest, Butts- every thing each leg, 3×15 prayer hammies, 3×15 straight leg quad, 3×15 adductor/side butt leg lift, 3×15 mika glute activator, 3×20 side abductor, 3×20 calf raises with stretching between sets, straight leg jackknifes for low abs 35, stretching
Tuesday AM 7++, 41:39- first mile 6:07, last mile 5:27, tot. 7++
PM 30:44 shakeout with Melissa, then exercises for running technique with jog back rests 21:42, 20 min solo shakeout back to house after tot. 7++
XT 50 walking lunges, butts, exercises for running technique-3×80y each with jog back rest- springing, high knees, butt kicks, bounding, high knee skipping, stretching
Wednesday AM 1:00:09 easy, solo, about 8.5, tot. 8++
PM 32:44 easy solo, 10×12 second hills with jog down rest, 9:03 jog back to house, tot. 6++
XT stretching, butts
Thursday AM 22:10 warm up, couple strides, light stretch, 20min tempo on track plan was 3:12/kilometer, It was extremely windy!!, so I was willing to slow if I had to but given that I plan on doing this faster every week I didn’t feel I had to slow if I was ok. Ended up being very easy, 1k-3:10.6, 2k-6:20.8(3:10.2), 3k-9:32.6(3:11.9), 4k- 12:46.3(3:13.7), 5k-15:59.5(3:13.3), 6k-19:11.1(3:11.7)- stop at 20:00.2 at about 100m shy of 4 miles, jogged past 4 in 20:36, then stretched a bit, 3+ cool down, 21:28 tot. 10++
PM 40mins easy solo (5.6 miles), tot. 5++
XT butts, 50 lunge walk, stretching
Friday AM 60:50 road and trail, supposed to be starting at 4:00 per K( bit under 6:30 pace) finishing at 3:40 per K- about 5:55 a mile pace) was a good bit quicker, tot. 11
Noon Mika for treatment
PM 40 easy solo to track, 41:19, 10 diagonals on soccer field(8:43), 8:51 jog back to house, tot. 8
XT stretching, 50 walking lunges
Saturday AM 3+ warm up to fields, 20:52, 35 min structured fartlek around fields 3 mins hard 3 mins recovery- last 2 mins of 35′ was recovery- covered bit more then 6.5 miles- 5:30 pace, 3+ cool down to house 20:33 tot. 13
PM 40:00 shakeout to fields- first 26mins with Melissa, exercises for running technique with jog back rests(20:56)-very flat on these, 9:58 jog back to house tot. 7
XT stretching, 30 lunge walk-actually able to recruit glutes on this a little bit which has been the goal but this is the first real success with it. Butts, exercises for running technique 3×80y each with jog back rest-springing, high knees, butt kicks, bounding, high knee skipping
Sunday AM 30:17 warm up, 4xPorter Hill-1200m- (jog down rests)- 4:19.6(5:46), 4:10.0(5:21), 4:10.5(5:34), 4:07.3(5:46), 3+ cool down-20:49 tot. 13+
PM 5+ solo shakeout, mostly around Phillips fields, 40:51 tot. 5+
XT Stretching, butts, 30 lunge walk-again able to use glutes a bit.
Summary 118 miles, 2 hill workouts, 1 fartlek/interval session, 1 tempo, 2 light tempo runs, 3 circuits, good week, legs very tired. The tempo was a bit faster this week but in windier conditions, the long hill reps were a good bit quicker, most of the other stuff was just increased in volume though the fartlek was just a bit quicker as I was closer to covering full loops of the Phillips fields with each 6 min block (1800m). I think this block is just what the body needs though it isn’t my favorite type of training. I’m weak muscularly and if I can strengthen that weak link I may be able to do some damage at the shorter distances. I ran 14:04 for 5k last winter off 130 something mile week. I felt like in a race where I lead less and if I had backed off I could run in the 13:45 to 13:50 range. If I can make a jump beyond that and run a 13:40 to 13:50 without much help indoors, or faster with some good competition depending on how things play out I feel like with my strength I should be able to run a competitive 10k outdoors and will be in a great place for some great marathon training if I can get the hammy sorted. Hope you had a good week.
Quote of the week “The real glory is being knocked to your knees and coming back. That’s the real glory. That’s the essence of it.” Vince Lombardi