At least someone had fun at the St Patty’s day 5km because I sure didn’t. This race came at the end of a 3 week build up and I felt flat the entire race. I was never up with the leaders and I was chasing the entire time with dead legs. I was at that point only in my altitude tent for a week so that may have also not helped but it is early in the season and training is what is important right now.
I took a really easy week leading up to the Spring run off 8km in Vancouver. I had two workouts the week of and both went well. I was on the track for some 800’s on Tuesday that went well pace wise but I didn’t feel right during the workout. Then I had a workout on my own on Thursday on the fort to fort trail, 15 minute tempo, 4 minute jog, 6x1minute on/off and jog home, 12 miles total. I felt good during this workout and I like running workouts like this, out on the trail with no real defined loop or distance goal, just running off effort.