How old am I?
This seems to be a rather simple question. According to my birth certificate I was born on March 6th 1972, which would put my age as 37 and change.
However, Trisha has been telling me for years that I act like a 13 year old, especially on occasions when I did something she particularly didn't like. But who do you trust, you wife or your birth certificate?
Now the situation became even more complicated. Besides the monetary award for winning the Northface Endurance Challenge last weekend I also won an "Ironman Inner Scan Body Composition Monitor". It gives you a lot of more or less useful information, like weight (134 lbs), % body fat (5.5), total body water % (63), basic metabolic rate (1650 kcal / day), physique rating (8 "thin and muscular") - NO WAY!
And metabolic age: Twelve.
Great! Now my wife has scientific proof to back her up.
At least the next time she tells me I'm acting like a 13 year old I can tell her "Thanks. I'm acting mature for my metabolic age."